A tale of Two … (ATOT) ep 5

if you missed the previous episodes you can cath up here
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Disclaimer: names used in this work are fictional, events also. just had to put this here as i await the backlash that would follow. hahahaha happy weekend


Come sit with me on the edge of Tomorrow,

poetry can wait a day,

For although homeless words,

avid and potent do beset the calmness of thine nimble mind,

let me be thy peace till dawn..

I’m lost in battle to my thoughts and dreams,

when words doth fail and emotions run extreme,

Will I remember now,will I remember this,

will today stand still for tomorrow’s bliss..

If indeed I sit with thee

Nay, Not for the bliss of tomorrow,

it standeth still for it’s own madness raw So,

seat let me provide passion pure,

poetry paper lacketh sure when thou is done sitting,

thine lyrically haunted mind shall want our art addictive,

again So sit and paint me with unspoken words,

let the beating of our hearts be an endless rhyme

I did find solace at the bottom of a bottle, a fleeting moment ago,

happiness was kind enough to deceive, sadly come dawn in my own bile I awoke,

passion was never a solution, this poet has a heart of stone

Love has robbed me blind, of a heart and the words I own,

i’ll sit a while if you’ll promise i’ll never be alone,

i’ll give you my voice and your heart and mine would beat as one

Thine heart of stone be mere wool to me..

l for my chest haboureth, but a beating diamond If thine stone would beat as one with mine,

we would clash in pure pleasing companionship, Spark a fire that would burn your loneliness,

heat your madness in calm sweetness I swear not, but let my pride be thine insurance..

for of thee I ask no premium So sit if thine would sit, tomorrow draws near…

 I tire of this impasse

O how sweetly you have woven a fairy tale of bliss

My naked Soul clothed with your finest jewelry

Even if this honeycomb of ours is a sting of bees

i would sit with thee forever as we turn from dust to lore...

written by : #KJD #POET_X

A tale of two continues next week friday,(my laptop crashed and  schedule has been crazy for the past week) sorry for the wait. enjoy this beautiful piece by KJD and I. Have a lovely weekend. kisses!


Give me a moment to love

this angel that fell to me

That loved me so then let me go

But kept my heart Forever in love

Give me a moment of peace
As stray bullets leaves the wrong ones dead
As killers kill d innocent at will
& those who guard are those who steal

Give me a moment to laugh
at the sorrows and pains of yesterday
The challenges life throws our way
Lost in the joys that’s lost in the world

Give me a moment to dance
With my Mother as her hair turns grey
Let my father and his grand kids play
Before death knocks or stakes a claim

Give me a moment to Live
To laugh, to learn to love and give
To shed tears of happiness at the least
To meet beauty, and be her beast

Give me a fairytale every moment of it
Let me live happily ever after and not have enough of it
While sorrows huffs and puffs and bluffs
And pain to memory submit


Today 6th january being my birthday, I”m thankful to God and every single one who’s been there when i needed it, special shout outs to my parents, my family, friends, chaucerxoxo, rumpelstillskin, bango, helios, jtcombs, jozi, stunner a.k.a level 3, akwuji, vinci, my classmates from way back and course mates, diamond, fellow bloggers who”ve helped me grow. anyone and everyone whose ever read a post here. i am grateful and i cant stress how much i love you. say a prayer for a brother and have a splendid day. peaace!!!!!!!!!!  

don’t forget to share and reblog this with friends and follow the blog. this year is going to be entertaining trust me. 🙂